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09 December 2010


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These two part of this post don't seem to make sense.

"However, the OECD did look at some rural areas, and found they matched Shanghai’s quality"

"Citing further, as-yet unpublished OECD research, Mr Schleicher said: “We have actually done Pisa in 12 of the provinces in China. Even in some of the very poor areas you get performance close to the OECD average."

Shanghai score 60 to 100 points higher than the OEDC average, and Schleicher says that even in some of the poor areas the performace is close to the OECD average. No I don't know what he defines as close, but if they are below the OECD average they are at least 60-100 points behind Shanghai, which is a huge difference.

Not saying that isn't good for these poor areas of a developing country, but from what I get Shanghai (as with many urban areas) is far ahead of the rural areas.

Feel free to email me if I am incorrect in this understanding.

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John Ross

  • Is Senior Fellow at Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China

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