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13 December 2008


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Professor V.N. ATTRI

India.s share of exports in world,s export is rising slowly as copared to china and
other emerging economies, whereas in 1950s, the share of india in world's exports happens to be higher than China and Japan. In my opinon, this has been due lack of export-incentives and problems related with
SEZs. In China, the SEZs played an important
role in chinese export-growth. After, exonomic reforms in India, the export-led
growth model seems to be operative.


Could you indicate the references that you used as data, for example, figure 1?

John Ross replied,
Dear Kang,
The source for all the statistics, unless specifically stated otherwise, is calculations from the IMF's online Direction of Trade Statistics.

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John Ross

  • Is Senior Fellow at Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China

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